Jan 11, 2011

Leaving work early today.

 Today it seems as though I will be leaving work earlier than scheduled. My boss wants us to leave a little sooner than 8pm as scheduled, The temperature is expected to decrease through out the afternoon and evening, hence causing the slush to freeze, causing cautionary driving conditions for those of us whom do not live close to the facility. Trust me, I'm ready today. I picked up more boxes from my friend Jessica last night, All of the others I have used . Yeah for me!  I am very pleased with my recent accomplishments. My closet was a huge deal to me. I have been contemplating exactly what I wanted to do with the space. Now I even have room for a vanity in my closet if I so wished to have one. The boys room is almost complete, The girls room is complete, the kitchen, yes that's right...complete as well. The only thing left to do is to clean out the attic. I am not taking anything to storage, unless I need it or unless it holds sentimental value to me or to my children. Most of what I feel to be sentimental to myself are my parents things, and some of my grandmother's items as well. My family is very close knit, so we tend to hang on to things for a lifetime.

Chris' family on the other hand, not so close. It's sad to me. They have gotten better since the birth of Adicyn, his dad seems to be very mellow now. That's a good thing. They want to see her as often as possible, and she enjoys their company as well. Hopefully God will help them overcome this.