Sep 12, 2010

Grandparent's Day Weekend

Current mood:  busy
Category: Life
Grandparent’s Day weekend… We had a great Grandparent’s Day weekend. Friday after I got off from work, I rushed directly to my  Hair Appt with Kimberly Conner. She is a Beautician at Tranquility Salon & Spa near the Galleria Mall. She is awesome! I was there for the usual 2.5 hours. Finished up there and rushed home to get ready for dinner with Chris. Chris’ parents babysat Addy so that we could enjoy dinner alone.  We had dinner at Zen. My all time favorite Hibachi Grill. My second favorite Hibachi grill, would be Kani House in Dawsonville, Georgia. After dinner , we went back to his parents to pick up Adicyn. We visited for a bit,  then came home and after our shower’s crashed!

Saturday morning,  I awoke early to finish up some shopping, I ended up buying a mini-fridge for the garage. (An item that has been on my list for a while). I also bought Adicyn some new clothes and shoes, Trey some books and  a few other items. By the time that I got home Chris and Addy were ready for lunch. We all got ready and went out to lunch at The Green Derby in Perry.  It’s a Buffet, with great food! I have been dining there for years now! After lunch we drove up to  The Shoppes @ River Crossing in Macon so that Chris could look at new Nike Shox, and so I could go to Yankee Candle. I picked up a few things there while Chris and Adicyn stayed in the car. She fell asleep on the way. She sleeps well in the car, just not at home. Once we came home, I called Chris’ parents to see what his mom would like for her upcoming birthday.  He could not say in front of her , so he called me back and said that she wanted a new TV.

After careful thought after dinner at Sonny’s , we went on and bought them a new 42” Plasma for there great room. It’s very nice with a Shiny Look. It is very similar to the one that we had installed above our mantel. After buying the TV, we went ahead and delivered it to them early. They were in another area of the house when we arrived, so we were able to sneak it in. When they came in to the room, they were absolutely speechless! They could not believe that we had bought them such a large gift.

I don’t have parents to buy for , so my rationalization is that, if my parents were here, I would buy for them over and over, and never think twice about it.  So as I told Chris, One day his parent’s will not be alive to buy for, so enjoy them now while he is able to. If they have a need or a want, try to do everything in your power to help them out with that. After all, with the help of God, they gave you life.

I have always been a giver, my entire life. I have always felt entirely more gratification is buying for others than buying for myself.  Michael used to get on to me all of the time about not buying things for myself.  I have to say, I probably do more now than back then.

So on to today (Sunday). I got out early picked up my Sunday paper and stopped in to buy a few groceries at Kroger. I don’t really have any plans for today, other than cleaning and organizing the house and possibly the garage. Of course Laundry will be fit in somewhere. Tyler, Amber & Trey should be home around 6pm from their dad’s house, so I would like to have there bedding all clean and ready for the week before hand. I wash all of our bedding weekly, to help cut down on Allergies and germs. Hopefully, Chris will be notified about his new GS job this week, after  12 years of service at the base, he is very deserving of  a  promotion. He even works through lunch on some days to complete his assignments, he is way more dedicated now that he once was. I have to hand it to him, he’s doing Great!