Sep 9, 2010

My second day at my new job....

 Today was my second day at my new job. It gets better and better everyday! Dr. Vaughn and I get along so well, as long as the rest of the staff. Today I did like ten referrals and completed a lot of my nurse calls. So many patients have sinus infections this time of year, I am constantly calling in Z packs and Tessalon Perles to the Pharmacies. The difference in this office compared to any other place that I have been is that, we actually do managed pain care. We have patient's that have signed contracts with us for the use of Methadone and Suboxone. These are the patient's that I have had an opiate addiction.

An opiate is a drug derived from the opium plant. The main opiates are morphine, codeine, heroin, thebaine, and papaverine. Morphine and heroin have the same chemical structure which is why morphine use can show up in a urine screen as heroin, especially when small amounts have been used. Having said this, out of the two drugs, heroin is more potent because it can enter the brain faster than morphine. Both drugs act as analgesics and sedatives producing a relaxing effect.

However, even the Suboxone and Methadone may be have also been known to be highly addictive.

Anyway, hopefully they will have my office all set up soon. It won't be as large as my last office, and I will share a large room with two other nurses, it will be fine. It's all made up with pay and benefits. I get paid very well and we have lunch provided by drug reps on a daily basis.

Also, the Doctor has surprised us with an office outing. We are leaving at 11:30 on October 1st for a trip to the Mart in Atlanta.