Nov 14, 2010

Busy mommy today...

I have been busy today already! I awoke at 0430, I could not sleep any longer. I really would rather sleep, but my body and mind just don’t allow more than 6 hrs a night. I function better with less sleep anyway. I am back home now from my normal Sunday grocery shopping. I only spent about $230.00 this time. Next week I will start to shop for our Thanksgiving Meal. We have a lot of guest(s) this Holiday. Chris’ parents, Jessica and her family, my sister and Ted, my friend Cheryl, Jeff, Sean, and our family. This means a lot of cooking is in store, but that’s okay because I love to cook, bake and entertain. I have the menu all planned and the grocery shopping list already  printed out. I do have to purchase a new deep fryer, I stopped by Fillers and picked up the Sunday paper just to see who is going to have the best deal and also to get my Sunday coupons, of course.

Plan for today…Tyler is going to church with  his friend Tiffany today, Amber spent the night with Fayth (birthday party sleepover), Trey is watching cartoons, Adicyn and Chris are still asleep, and I am about to put all of these groceries up. I really don’t want to go anywhere today. I just want to clean and organize!!
I am off tomorrow, so I will get my nails done then. I want to complete as much today so that my day off tomorrow isn’t spent doing laundry, wiping down cabinets and polishing furniture. Tomorrow, I will need to do the floors. I have wood and tile floors, so it’s a big job and an impossible job with a  2 ½ yr old running around the house.