Dec 19, 2010

Last Garage Sale for a while

I am still finding myself decorating for Christmas. I have added so many more decorations. I recently emptied my storage unit from Amber Place Apartments, and found so many of my old decorations. I managed to have a Garage sale yesterday, in spite of the weather. I was practically giving my stuff away, and still managed to make over $300.00. When I awoke at 6am, there were already people parked outside, lining the street in front of my house, and it was raining! I did not open my garage door till 8am. I did sell some things, like some of my antique furniture that I wished I hadn't. It's okay though, right now we really don't have the space to store anything. I sold quite a few items, previous to my garage sale on a local site. Mostly, the larger items. The leftovers from my Garage sale will be donated. Usually I donate either to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, or The Macon Rescue Mission. Both of these will come to my house and pick it up with their box truck. Also, I get a much needed receipt for a tax deduction.

I can't wait just to be able to park in the Garage again. I know that it's only been a week, but it feels like a month. I have given a lot of stuff to my friends and my family. If my brother lived closer, I would have given a lot to him, but he lives in Charleston, S.C.

Anyway, I'm glad it's over!