Jan 19, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

 Today marks our three year marriage anniversary. Our Wedding anniversary is a  celebration and the most important event in our married life, particularly when we attain the 10th, 20th, and so on. Our Anniversary indeed is the best time for us as a couple to reminisce the love that we have shared together through the years.

I am planning a romantic escapade for the two of us . I think that this is an excellent idea for the two of us to celebrate our wedding anniversary. My plan and destination is dependent upon the available resources such as the budget and the time which we will be capable of making it happen. This is going to be the best trip!

  It must be a unique vacation destination. Famous European cities like Venice or Paris might be perfect for us. On the other hand, we are also into adventures at a reclusive hotel or a serene beach on an exotic island -would be a good choice. I want our wedding anniversary celebration to be enjoyable and mainly just filled with relaxation and being together, we are inseparable as it is, he wants to go everywhere with me.  I love you Christopher Kenji!

The bottom line is, this vacation must be "the" trip that of the year, way more exceptional than compared to others ordinary life and anniversaries, leaving our worries behind and enjoying this momentous occasion that we are celebrating.

Here is a little advice that I have gathered from family and friends...with love.

  • "From the time we were little kids, my dad told us "Never date anyone you wouldn't marry" .... when we were kids this made zero sense, but as I got older, it became clear that a lot of people marry people they don't much like/fit with well, for a variety of reasons. She ends up pregnant, it is just "time" to marry. The selection process of who to marry is complex, but makes a huge difference. 
  • "A quote from the Bible: What God has yoked together, let no man tear apart." 
  • There are "... various ways in which relational maturity develops in people -- preparing them first to care for themselves, and then to care for two people, and afterwards for children too. All in a way that is life giving. Relational maturity is I believe the most effective predictor for whether a marriage is likely to last or not."
  • "Get on your knees together every night and say the Lord's prayer. Even if you don't go to sleep and may have something else to do. This assures that most nights you will spend some time together before you go to sleep. If you are apart, do it over the phone." 
  • "Never go to bed angry, even if you are not happy with the conditions." 
  • "Communicate, respect for self and each other, trust, faith, laugh together not at each other, don’t go to bed angry or hurt, remember your vows, don’t ask what you are not ready and willing to accept and let go and remember that often time we don’t know we’re making a mistake unless we are told so speak up without being rude and hurtful." 
  • "When in trouble with your husband or spouse, never ever talk about these problems with your friends, mother or parents ... if you want a real help on this, go to your spouse or husband mother or father or his or her best friend or relatives and tell them about your situation. This advice has given them very fast and some times unexpected and very good solutions, and at the same time they get to understand many of their spouses vision of the trouble, and that has in many instances changed their perspective and perception of the problem."
  • "The best marriage advice I received was from my grandmother: Marriage is not always 50/50. Some days you will wake up and may have to give 90% and your spouse will give 10%. Other days you may wake up and give 25% and your husband will have to put in the 75%. I never thought of this before but it is so true."