Mar 17, 2011

Baby Showers and Blankets...

Adicyn 6 months old...

 First of all, CONGRATULATION'S to my close friend Eliane on the Birth of little miss Lydia Jane O'Leary today! Lydia is their 5th baby, included in the family a set of twins as well. We are all so happy for you Eliane!!
Lydia Jane

Eliane 22 weeks
Moving along...
  I have been invited to and have attended more Baby Shower's within the last 30 days than all of last year combined! My friend Candice' shower to welcome her new baby boy was last week at Texas Cattle Company, My sister's shower is this weekend in Atlanta and My friend Heather's shower is next week. My sister is registered at Babies R' Us, My friend Heather is also registered at Babies R' Us and Burlington's Baby Depot. I love to shop for baby items. My sister has the infant co-sleeper bassinet on her list, this will be our gift to her, I am also making an adorable fleece blanket for little Ayden.

My friend Heather is expecting a girl, not too sure about her gift just yet. I can't wait for my sister's shower this weekend. I will of course be posting picture's for all of our family whom lives in California, New York, S.C. and Virginia, wish you all could attend, but we completely understand!

Speaking of pregnancy and babies on the way, my husband is driving me crazy about wanting another baby. As I told him, first we need to see about our move and our new house first, I want to be completely settled before becoming pregnant again.