Mar 16, 2011

My Wonderful Wednesday!!

  Today I Awoke nice and early, Started with getting the kids ready for school, then driving them to school. After completing that task , I stopped in at Lowes, I needed some more Wood Flooring Cleaner, and also I needed to pick up some flowers. Not only did I get all of that, I found two beautiful hand woven rugs.

My shopping Buddy!

If your going to shop big, leave the BMW at Home!

After Lowes, I stopped by a local Pine Straw Dealer's place, it's very close to my house. I always order my Pine Straw from him because he delivers it to my house.
 I can't wait to make the flower beds look new again!

So onto to do some real shopping for me. I was on my way to Bed Bath & Beyond, when I thought to myself "Hmmm, I haven't shopped at Ross in a long time, I'll drive there instead"  and that I did. I had forgotten what a fun place that was to shop. I bought some imported Hair & Body care items (imported from Italy and Switzerland) I love exotic products. Bought a new straightener.

I found a very "Springy" Bedding set for our bed. Bedding is exactly what I was going to Bed Bath & Beyond to purchase. I also purchased some new Tommy Hilfiger Pillows for the new Bedding, and a few kitchen items.

My new 7-piece Bedding Ensemble

The cutest items by far were...oh my..this cute little Hot Pink French Parlor Chair for Adicyn and the most adorable little white table too. I had a lot of fun, now I'm back home awaiting the Fed Ex truck for my Pottery Barn Shipment. I really should not have week days off and all to myself, it's to dangerous for my debit card!!

Adicyn's new Parlor Chair and Table.