May 25, 2011

Catching up!

I have been so busy lately, which left me not enough time to do a lot of different things. I have missed blogging lately. My day just slowed down for a moment, so I thought that I would take a quick break. Let me catch you up on everything that has been going on in my life. As most of you know, We are getting ready to purchase our new home (pictured above) and Our Anniversary of the day that we met is coming up soon..July 9th! Today Chris left work early so that he could come home and book our vacation to celebrate our Anniversary. This July 9th we will be together for 4 years. I can't believe it has been this long since we first laid eyes on each other one hot Summer night in the ER while I was working nights at that time.

Chris and I -May 2011-
On my way to work. -May 2011-
Adicyn & Mommy  -May 2011-

We have secured childcare and we will both be off from work from July 20th until July 25th.
The 25th of July would have been my dads birthday and my dad loved Florida as much as we do. We are staying at The Inn on Destin Harbor. We both are so very excited to spend this time alone. We will be soaking up a lot of time on the Beach, Taking a few dolphin tours, kayaking, and swimming. I will be spending lots of time in the sun. I am a Sun Worshiper!

So that is all planned and paid for, we have had a busy month for May. Adicyn turned three on April 30th and following in sequence..Trey's birthday was May 8th, Amber's birthday is May 29th and Tyler's birthday will be on May 31st. May has always been a busy month for our family!

I have been working a lot as well. My hours that I have been pulling at work seem longer and longer. I have been trying so hard lately to work on the Marketing aspect of my business. It's getting there. As soon at the economy boost up again, business will be as great as it was before the economy took such a hard hit!