Oct 1, 2010

Moving right along....


Moving right along, great news from Anne. My mortgage specialist. We are so ready to move along. Our prospective new house is still available, we are so incredibly excited! Our new home is bank owned by a local credit union, and they are not easy to bargain with, I’m just thinking with a house worth over 300k, it has to be perfect, as I never plan to move again. It seems more rural, Even though, it’s just like 2 miles from the city limits. It has 2 acres of land, with lots of hardwoods. I want to add some hardscapes along the back deck, with a walkway that extends to the driveway. Chris wants to add a detached garage, at the back of the lot, for automotive stuff. I have no problem with that. I would like to see my garage free from roll-a-ways and such. Most of the interior is perfect, there
are just a few colors that I would change. (Sorry Angie, I know that you chose them).

The previous owners are friends of mine, they are divorced and have both moved on. I can’t wait for double the sq. ft.  It is a little sad to know that either way, this will be our last thanksgiving and Christmas in our current home, but very exciting to know that another wonderful family will think that this house is perfect for them. We have worked so hard to get to where we both are, and we are very ready to embrace our future and the future of our children with open arms. We are very excited to create new memories in a new home. I have one lasting memory here at this house….The memory of my dad coming over and hanging out before he passed. The great thing is- it’s a memory and will always stay with me, only the material part of it will be gone.

Other than the move, the other new thing is my job. I am making more than I ever have before, and I am working towards paying for our new home and med school. Maybe once we get settled in we will know exactly how much we have to put towards my education, as I do not want to take out student loans. I just paid mine in full March of 2007. I have learned first hand how expensive an education can be, especially when obtained from a private college such as Wesleyan! Lol, but it was worth every penny. We will just have to see…..