Nov 29, 2010

Last Day off until the weekend.

Decorated for Christmas!

Today is my last day off until the weekend. I am not looking forward to my 0700-1700 shift's this week, but hey, it pays the bills! I admit that I have been on the computer more than I should have been today. I only have about 30 more minutes before Chris will be home from work, and once he gets home..
He will want some alone time with me, Needless to say -my free time will be over.

I was able to hire the Housekeeper today, run an errand to Sun Trust Bank and clean a lot! My day has not been wasted. I have done so much reorganizing and cleaning along with decorating for Christmas over the last two days. I need a break!

I need to make a trip to Kroger for Dinner tonight too. I had planned on going earlier today, but as always, time got away from me. I don't know what we are having tonight for dinner, no ideas come to mind. I will probably get on Paula Deen's site and see what's cooking!