Nov 7, 2010

Lazy Sunday so far...

Today has been quite a lazy Sunday so far. Daylight savings time ended last night, so we got an extra hour of sleep this morning. Adicyn was awake and running by 0700. It's 0948 right now and Chris is still asleep. Adicyn was bugging him earlier by rubbing her lollypop stick all over his face, so I went in and made her come into the living room with me. She has made such a mess all over the house this morning. I am hoping that she will take a nap in a few, and I can clean. Tyler, Amber and Trey are with ther dad this weekend, so their rooms are fine. I mainly need to clean the living room, kitchen and my room, catch up on laundry for today. I also plan to weed the flower beds and lay new pine straw. Chris is going to pressure wash the driveway, mailbox and house today. He also needs to look at the car, it's making a funny noise from underneath. We were out looking at houses yesterday and the I kept hearing the same noise. Not sure what is. It's so hard to get a house ready for the market. I have done this so many times before, but it's harder this time with a 2 & 1/2yr old. Also for today, I am finally getting around to uploading pictures from the computer to my snapfish account. Wow, there are even albums from 2008 that I am just now getting to.