Dec 13, 2010

Garage Sale Time!

Yes, it is time to have a garage sale. After emptying my garage at my old apartment (Amber Place) over the weekend, I have absolutely no room to park a vehicle in my garage. Neither of us like the idea of parking outside of the garage. I have boxes on top of boxes, furniture,, It's a little overwhelming. I don't really have time to sort through all of it. I am planning a Garage Sale for next weekend. I am off Wednesday, but I have set that day aside for Christmas Shopping in Atlanta.

So, I don't know when exactly that I will have time to sort through it all. I was able to post some items on Craigslist and Robinsyardales this am. A few of the larger items. Whatever does not sale at my Garage Sale will be given to Sacred Heart Catholic Church or The Macon Rescue Mission, whomever can pick it up first. Normally I have to deliver things to Sacred Heart , where as the Macon Rescue Mission will come out with their box truck and load everything, straight from my garage to their truck. I will just have to see how much is left after the sale. I just know that I can't store anything mi my garage, nor do I want to. I really enjoy parking in there and really hate it when I can't. So wish me luck in getting rid of it all!