Dec 19, 2010

House Hunting again?

 So today, the Kitchen was cleaned until spotless, I removed my Wine Cabinet from my "For Sale" items and relocated it to the Dining Room, it looks great with my old wine rack on top. After all was done, Chris finally decided to shower. lol, He was having a lazy day. Once ready, he wanted to go House Hunting. It's so much fun to him , more now than ever, because the move is so close. Literally, we will have the down payment for our next home saved by February. We have worked so hard with lots of overtime hours worked to get to where we are.

So as we were out House hunting, we only found a few. We are only looking at other homes just in case our Bear Branch House happens to sell, before February. Chris does not think that it will. We found one house on Julee Emilyn, but don't care for the school district, we found two in Southfield. I have a lot of friends whom live there, so no more running alone for me, my friend Shannon, whom lives on Glenda Drive, she is a hard core runner. I love the subdivision and have done many interior design jobs for the developer for some of his homes within Southfield, but I hate the ugly tall Georgia pines that seem to be everywhere out there.

We also looked at a few in Statham's Landing, My ex in-laws live out there, and Chris seems to think that if we lived there, my ex in-laws would be visiting me every day, lol. He's probably right. I am still very close with that side of the family, and I feel blessed for that,
So, after almost three hours of driving around and visiting the open houses for today, we stumbled upon a beautiful Floridian Stucco home in the Heathers @ Houston Lake. This was a very nice house, it's definitely and option.

127 Heather Glen, The Heathers @ Houston Lake

Once we arrived home Chris started a conversation about renters and how we are so lucky not be in that group. We have friends whom rent and it works for them, Chris feels blessed to be a home owner. When I moved in with him in '07, he almost wasn't a homeowner any longer, he needed a lot of help financially, and we got through it. The only bills that I had at the time, other than my apartment and my VW Passat payment was my credit card, and other normal day to day bills. I was in a place where I was able to pull him from the wretched hands of foreclosure.

Moving out of this house is more exciting for Chris than for me. He is not really a mover like myself. I love to move, after building, moving and selling for so many years, it's nothing for me to pack up and move. Even as a child we moved all over. It's just a days work for myself. He can't wait to have a detached garage so that he can start to build his drag car. We are very picky about our next home. We both are drawn to a certain style and we want acreage. This is not an easy criteria to meet for Houston County, we are just praying that our dream house won't sell before we can buy it.