Dec 24, 2010

I made My first Fleece Blanket !

  Not bad at all for my first made by me: Fleece Throw. My friend Jessica made Adicyn and Amber one of these last Christmas for their Gift. So, the other day I went over to her house for a visit and she was sitting on the floor making another one. I thought, that looks really easy and I am sure that I could do it. So a few weeks ago, I went to Hancock Fabrics and picked out several different pieces of Fleece. I purchased about six yards. Three yards of different patterns and three yards of white. The white for the reverse side of the blanket.

Last night after Adicyn went off to bed, I went to my closet and pulled out my neglected Hobby Lobby bag, grabbed my scissors and got to work. After an hour or so, my blanket was complete. This blanket will be a Christmas Gift to someone whom loves wolves.

Here is how to get started:

Items you'll need to make a no sew fleece blanket

  1. Two pieces of fleece fabric of different patterns
  2. Sharp scissors. The scissors get really dull after this project.
  3. Tape
  4. Paper clips

How to make a fleece tie blanket

  1. Go to a fabric store like JoAnne's Fabric, Hobby Lobby, Hancock's, etc. , and choose two rolls of fleece fabric that you would like for your blanket. I prefer a pattern and a solid. (One blanket uses two pieces of fleece fabric-one for each side; you could use the same pattern on both sides of the blanket. I prefer two different patterns.) The fleeces should be the same except for the pattern; i.e., don't use different thicknesses or textures. You also want to make sure the fleece isn't too thick or it will be really difficult to cut.
  2. Have an attendant cut your fabrics equally so you don't have to re-cut later. I chose to have each piece of fleece cut to one yard in the above blankets. If you want a larger blanket or smaller blanket, cut accordingly. I thought the one yard size was perfect.
  3. At home, lay the blankets down evenly on top of each other, and clip them together so they don't move.
  4. Choose a side to begin and fold the two fabrics up about an inch and a half and use four or five pieces of tape to secure it along this side. Make sure that it is even. 
  5. Begin cutting along the folded piece up to the edge of where the fold ends. Bring your scissors just past the end of the fold. Make your cuts about an inch apart so your strips will be about an inch in thickness. Continue until you finish the entire side. Be sure to cut evenly.
  6. Begin tying the two fabrics together. The pieces that were cut together are tied together. It's easy to get off a tie, so pay attention so you don't have to go back and untie.
  7. Continue on for the remaining three sides. The corners can be a bit tricky. Cut as you did the first side and cut off any ties that look awkward on the corners so that you have a right angle.
  8. Tie a bow around the blanket and you have a great homemade gift

My first Fleece Blanket

This is the reverse side, I used plain white fleece for this side