Dec 22, 2010

Merry Christmas to Me!

One  of the main reasons (besides physical health) that I run is that running has been proven to tame anxiety and frustrations. One of the physician's that I work with, she runs no less than 10 miles ever day, and all before 0700. She has a Horse ranch and lives in the country. She's always telling me how peaceful she feels while running. She says to me " Where else can you go and think, no one bothering you, no cell phones, no kids and no husband?" She is my number one motivator. Mary Bell is 34 and in the best physical condition of any woman that I know. 

Running is an excellent form of meditation. It enables me to control my breathing to endure the long distances. Daily running includes physical and mental endurance. Believe in the power of your mind and surprise yourself with the challenges you can endure.

So I just awoke, went on my morning run, My route seemed extra long this morning. My usual route is, leave the house, down Margeson, Left on Carver, Rt on Ely, Right on Houston Lake (love the sidewalks), Rt at Hwy 96, I run parallel to Hwy 96, using Warren Drive, down Warren to the Credit Union, all through Mayberry, then back home. This morning was a record time of 27 minutes, but it felt so much longer. I think the reason is the weather. It's warmer out this morning than it has been. So back home, I jump straight into the shower and on to the scale....and today (drum roll please) my weight is 124! Finally, I am over the hump. My weight has been at a stand still for about a month now. I was starting to give up, but instead, I kick started my metabolism with the low carb - high protein diet again, and it worked. I'm 5'6" so 124 is ideal, but my goal is to get back to 115-120, that's where I was at before having Adicyn. It has been a long road, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. At least, I am more tone now than ever. I won't say it's the hardest regimen that I have ever been a part of, but it's pretty close to it.

My friend Nikki and I recently started Cross fit too, and that seems to be one of the greatest work outs so far. I would love to run in the afternoons like I used to, but having a toddler makes it nearly impossible. That's why I have to leave my house, before Chris does, so that I can be home as he is leaving. Once we move, if we get the house on Waters Edge, that will be great, I would much rather run out there than here. Even if someone buys that home before we can, where ever we move, I will make sure is suitable for running. Okay, now I can officially fit my 4's again! (Huge Smile)