Feb 2, 2011

Off soon and venting!

 After tomorrow I am off for four days. From my primary job that is and I probably won't pick up any extra time from anywhere else. Unless there is a shortage of nurses. I pray there won't be. Not a lot has been going on lately. My friend Mary down the street has a contract signed on her house. They will be closing in March, and the bank accepted their offer on the new home they are buying. Their home sold fast, and she got exactly what she was asking. I am very happy for them, they need a larger home as well.

This week it seems like there is just not enough time to do anything extra once I get home. Tyler's chore is to load the dishwasher and Amber's job is to unload and put dishes away, these are their only chores in the winter months other than cleaning their rooms. Oh yes, and Amber's other chore is to clean their bathroom. She makes most of the mess, so it's only fair that she clean it. Trey's chore is to pick up any trash or debris in the yard and to weed the flower beds during the summer. They all do a great job with their chores and never complain. Michael and I have always instilled hard work into our children. They come from a family of hard workers and I hope that they pass this on to their children as well.

Growing up, I had no chores other than cleaning my own room.  My mom did everything! I am a lot like her in the way that, I like to do everything myself, it's hard for me to let go of household tasks. If you want something done right, do it yourself. I live by this rule. I don't like to ask anyone to do anything for me. Lol, there is a reason...If I am asking you to do something, it's because I want it done right now, Not later, not when you want to do it, but NOW. This is why I'd rather do it all myself.

My husband like to drop his clothes in the middle of our bedroom floor, as does every man. Yes, any man that has ever been in my life has always been this way. I hear the same complaints from my friends about their husband's. The Laundry hamper is right there! What's the big deal? I don't get it. Another pet peeve of mine is..If you shave, please put away your shaving cream and razor afterwards, please. I do not like anything left out after it has been used,. This includes shampoo, conditioner, body wash, loofah, whatever, put it back! Everything has a place and I want everything in its place. Is that too much to ask? I do not like the way that things appear when they are not in their places. I don't even leave the paper towel roll, even though it's on a nice decorative piece, I do not like it out on the counter, same thing with the toaster. I don't like clutter all over my counter tops. Also, I don't like for anyone to sit on my pillows on the sofa. I will remove them before we have company. It makes me cringe to see someone leaning back on a throw pillow.
Wow, it feels great to vent!