Sep 20, 2010

Another weekend in the North Georgia Mountains!

 I must start by saying…..We had a wonderful weekend in North Georgia! We arrived at our Hotel Saturday morning early, checked in and out we went. We drove to Dahlonega then to the Premier Outlet in Dawsonville. (Chris wanted to look at new Nike Shox) He bought a Silver and Royal Blue pair this time. We went to Coach and of course Chris is always trying to buy something for me in there. They had a few handbags that I adored, but nothing that I just could not leave without. I went in to Pottery Barn and found lot’s of great deals, One being a beautiful Black Credenza. I am not going back without a truck or U-haul  the next Pottery Barn trip that I take.  They had some great deals that I had to miss out on. As a matter of fact, the only think that I bought for myself this time was a new Nike Dri-fit workout shirt. It’s Hot pink, I will pair it with My Victoria’s  Secret workout pants, that I love. After shopping we had dinner at Austin’s Seafood & Steak. The food was great , but the best part was Karaoke!! I love Karaoke. The D.J. was great his name was Wayne. He and Chris hit it off, Chris was buying him Beer half the night. I was like, Ummm, hello, Wayne does have to get home somehow tonight. We had a lot of fun, My best Karaoke song was Lady Antebellum’ -“American Honey“. Wayne the D.J. and I also did a duet. We sang Lady Antebellum’ “I need you now” We were great, there was even a  huge audience. I am so going to buy my own Karaoke machine. My ex-father in law, Stanley had one and we used to wear it out! He loves to Karaoke too.

Next was tubing- or so we thought. We drove up to Unicoi State Park (My parents used to take us there when we were kids) Apparently after Labor Day not a lot of the outfitters are open for tubing. So, we drove to Helen. I have not been to Helen since I was 13, and that was for my cousin Mandy’s Clogging Tournament. So , we did not know that Helen , GA is like Cash Only. What the hey, No one takes Debit/Credit Cards. I thought that this was in sane!! So we were only in Helen for a brief moment. After Helen we were on our way out, just before getting onto I-985, we stopped for Apples. Chris’ supervisor wanted some Apples, so Chris stopped at a roadside market where we picked up some apples for June and his mom. I was so ready to be home at this point. We both missed Adicyn sooo much! Jessica text me some picture’s of Addy seeming to be home sick. My poor little pumpkin!

We arrived back home around 9:00 P.M.  and today I am at home CLEANING!!!!

Sep 17, 2010

T.G.I.F. & Tubing trip for the North GA. Mnts.

  Thank God, Today is Friday!!! It could not have arrived fast enough. Tomorrow Jessica will be babysitting Adicyn so that we may drive back up to the North Georgia Mountains for a tubing and shopping trip. I must go back to Pottery barn and at least the Dickie's Outlet.I am in desperate need of some new scrubs!! I can't wear any of my scrubs. They all look so loose and baggy. I hate that "sloppy" feeling. I like to feel and look,  very well put together. I only wear the Dickie's Hip Flips. I love these scrubs, and i am not a great fan of printed tops. I like the solids.
I am sure that I will shop all throughout the outlet, I plan to do some Christmas shopping this weekend too. My sister loves Lancome and Chris loves Aqua DiGio cologne, so two birds with one stone at one store! Last year I bought my sister a Vera Bradley purse, now she's beyond Vera Bradley like myself and she's back into Coach Handbags.

We will be leaving Saturday morning early. We will stay at the same Hotel that we stayed in the first of September when we last  went. At this particular hotel, Chris is fortunate to have the government rate, Which is a huge savings. We plan to check in , unpack and get our trip under way. I will also, drive up to my mom , dad and grandparent's grave site and clean up there a little. My mom's birthday is Novemeber20th, so I will probably buy some flowers for her grave. Her D.O.D. was September 10th. This past September 10th makes 17 years since the day that she lost her battle with Breast Ca at the age of 39. Far too young to have passed.

After the visits to the grave site's we will continue on with our trip. I may visit some of my relatives whom live up there too. We have a Seabolt family reunion planned for the first of October in Dahlonega so I may just wait until then. We will just have to wait and see. The biggest reason for our trip is to go Tubing!! There are so many different outfitters there to choose from. I just want to have fun w/o a care in the world, this weekend!!

Sep 12, 2010

Grandparent's Day Weekend

Current mood:  busy
Category: Life
Grandparent’s Day weekend… We had a great Grandparent’s Day weekend. Friday after I got off from work, I rushed directly to my  Hair Appt with Kimberly Conner. She is a Beautician at Tranquility Salon & Spa near the Galleria Mall. She is awesome! I was there for the usual 2.5 hours. Finished up there and rushed home to get ready for dinner with Chris. Chris’ parents babysat Addy so that we could enjoy dinner alone.  We had dinner at Zen. My all time favorite Hibachi Grill. My second favorite Hibachi grill, would be Kani House in Dawsonville, Georgia. After dinner , we went back to his parents to pick up Adicyn. We visited for a bit,  then came home and after our shower’s crashed!

Saturday morning,  I awoke early to finish up some shopping, I ended up buying a mini-fridge for the garage. (An item that has been on my list for a while). I also bought Adicyn some new clothes and shoes, Trey some books and  a few other items. By the time that I got home Chris and Addy were ready for lunch. We all got ready and went out to lunch at The Green Derby in Perry.  It’s a Buffet, with great food! I have been dining there for years now! After lunch we drove up to  The Shoppes @ River Crossing in Macon so that Chris could look at new Nike Shox, and so I could go to Yankee Candle. I picked up a few things there while Chris and Adicyn stayed in the car. She fell asleep on the way. She sleeps well in the car, just not at home. Once we came home, I called Chris’ parents to see what his mom would like for her upcoming birthday.  He could not say in front of her , so he called me back and said that she wanted a new TV.

After careful thought after dinner at Sonny’s , we went on and bought them a new 42” Plasma for there great room. It’s very nice with a Shiny Look. It is very similar to the one that we had installed above our mantel. After buying the TV, we went ahead and delivered it to them early. They were in another area of the house when we arrived, so we were able to sneak it in. When they came in to the room, they were absolutely speechless! They could not believe that we had bought them such a large gift.

I don’t have parents to buy for , so my rationalization is that, if my parents were here, I would buy for them over and over, and never think twice about it.  So as I told Chris, One day his parent’s will not be alive to buy for, so enjoy them now while he is able to. If they have a need or a want, try to do everything in your power to help them out with that. After all, with the help of God, they gave you life.

I have always been a giver, my entire life. I have always felt entirely more gratification is buying for others than buying for myself.  Michael used to get on to me all of the time about not buying things for myself.  I have to say, I probably do more now than back then.

So on to today (Sunday). I got out early picked up my Sunday paper and stopped in to buy a few groceries at Kroger. I don’t really have any plans for today, other than cleaning and organizing the house and possibly the garage. Of course Laundry will be fit in somewhere. Tyler, Amber & Trey should be home around 6pm from their dad’s house, so I would like to have there bedding all clean and ready for the week before hand. I wash all of our bedding weekly, to help cut down on Allergies and germs. Hopefully, Chris will be notified about his new GS job this week, after  12 years of service at the base, he is very deserving of  a  promotion. He even works through lunch on some days to complete his assignments, he is way more dedicated now that he once was. I have to hand it to him, he’s doing Great!

Moving Forward...

 I have to start by saying… There are lots of changes in store for our family within the next 12 months. During the next 12 months, Chris will be well into his new job, we will be in a new home, I will be making even more money doing what I love, and also will have completed many of my credit hours for school. I will be one step closer to becoming a Nurse Practitioner. Chris interviewed for a GS position last Wednesday. He is so excited. His supervisor -Joe, tells him that he has the job, it’s just not official yet. Chris is so excited, I have not seen him this excited since he asked me to marry and him and Adicyn’s birth. He mostly speaks of , not having to wear “Work Clothes” any longer, and he’s excited about being able to wear his wedding band at work. Right now, he has to remove it , due to him being an Aircraft Sheet metal Mechanic. I think that he is ready for a group of fresh faces too.  He gets along with everyone at work, but he is very close to just a few. One being , Rob M. They are inseparable.  His new title will be FLS - (Forward Logistics Specialist). Once he gets the final word, he wants me to make reservations at one of our favorite restaurants in Atlanta to celebrate. It’s called Fogo De Chao. He loves that place. It’s a Brazilian Restaurant.  I’m assuming that he will receive word this week. We have postponed the purchase of the home in Bear Branch Estates, due to some unforeseen problems during the initial inspection. Once if the bank arranges for repairs, at that point we will proceed. The fact is is, the Market here in Houston County , is full to the brim with Bank owned real estate. So, if someone purchases the home in Bear Branch Estates, I will be fine.  I will keep everyone updated.

Sep 9, 2010

My second day at my new job....

 Today was my second day at my new job. It gets better and better everyday! Dr. Vaughn and I get along so well, as long as the rest of the staff. Today I did like ten referrals and completed a lot of my nurse calls. So many patients have sinus infections this time of year, I am constantly calling in Z packs and Tessalon Perles to the Pharmacies. The difference in this office compared to any other place that I have been is that, we actually do managed pain care. We have patient's that have signed contracts with us for the use of Methadone and Suboxone. These are the patient's that I have had an opiate addiction.

An opiate is a drug derived from the opium plant. The main opiates are morphine, codeine, heroin, thebaine, and papaverine. Morphine and heroin have the same chemical structure which is why morphine use can show up in a urine screen as heroin, especially when small amounts have been used. Having said this, out of the two drugs, heroin is more potent because it can enter the brain faster than morphine. Both drugs act as analgesics and sedatives producing a relaxing effect.

However, even the Suboxone and Methadone may be have also been known to be highly addictive.

Anyway, hopefully they will have my office all set up soon. It won't be as large as my last office, and I will share a large room with two other nurses, it will be fine. It's all made up with pay and benefits. I get paid very well and we have lunch provided by drug reps on a daily basis.

Also, the Doctor has surprised us with an office outing. We are leaving at 11:30 on October 1st for a trip to the Mart in Atlanta.

Sep 6, 2010

Our Labor Day weekend in the Mountains.

  We enjoyed this Labor Day weekend in the North Georgia Mountains. We couldn't book a last minute cabin, so we settled in at a Very Nice Hotel with a Heated Pool. We all had blast. We arrived on Saturday and checked in. We unloaded and went shopping. I had one store in mind for the trip, one that I always visit when I am there, Pottery Barn Outlet, I love it. They have some of the best deals that one could imagine. I didn't shop too much though. I am waiting patiently to move into the new house. I have sold many items recently so that the house does not give the "cluttered" look as potential buyers come to view the property. I sold the sofa, some extra bedding and so many other things.  It was great to declutter. Mostly I wanted to sell the sectional sofa fairly quickly for $350.00, I immediately put that money into a new sectional. The new sofa is so much nicer. The other sofa always had a hint of a dog smell, no matter how much cleaning that I did to it. I certainly do not want buyers thinking that the house will smell like dog if they buy it. We have put so much work into this house over the last three years. It now has new paint, counter tops, appliances, all new flooring , new Cabinet Hardware, new Landscaping and did I mention no weeds! The Lawn is amazing. All of my hard work as paid off.
New Sofa:

So after shopping, we ate a very upscale Japanese Restaurant in Dawsonville. The food was great. Once returning to the hotel, everyone except Adicyn and myself went swimming. No thanks, We were beat. The next morning, I awoke early enough to visit the on site Gym, run 3 miles on the treadmill, involve myself in a few series of weights, eat breakfast and shower. I then woke up  the kiddos and got them down to Breakfast. We invited extra kids for the trip. My friend Jessicas' kids. They all had a blast. It was my turn to babysit for her. She and Scott had a fun weekend at Atlanta Motor Speedway. They already had tickets for the Sunday race, and I was able to get them 2 tickets from a friend for the Saturday night Race. It was nice to be able to get them for her.

After Breakfast , the day started with swimming and more shopping. I actually did not return to Pottery Barn (surprisingly). I visited the Dickies Scrub Outlet, Lancome Outlet, the Coach Outlet and quite a few of my other favorites. I did not buy a Coach handbag this time, as I had just purchased one a few days prior, when we went to the Coach Outlet in Locust Grove. I purchased a very nice black one with blue interior with a matching wallet. I will not carry any handbag unless I have the wallet to match. Everyone knows me at least knows this about me, lol. After shopping we ate at our usual venue , The Smith House. They offer family style dining with great food! The wait is usually a long one, but we arrived early. Our wait was minimal. After lunch Adicyn was exhausted and Whiny, so we cut our trip short and headed back home.

Of course Chris had to stop and buy a Mustang part on the way home. He bought some BBK kit for under the car, something for....well I can't remember. The week prior he bought an Aluminum Drive shaft at Summit. There just about isn't anything else to buy for our Mustang. He's added so many things this past year. Oh well, I am sure that he will think of something! Visit my facebook for photo's from our trip!

New Blogging site, Thank you!

  Just letting everyone know of my new blog spot! I have been very busy and not able to blog like I once did. I start with my new Staff on Tuesday , and I must say that I am very excited. I am most excited to be making more money. Yes more money!!! We are doing great! I will be making around 15k more annually than I am currently. We are moving into a much nicer home. (More like my old Home) That's what I am used to, SPACE! The Margeson Drive home lacks space completely. We are so not used to living in 1500+ Square Feet of space. Oh well, This is very temporary at this point. I finally received all of the updated Credit Reports from Transunion, Experian, and Equifax. What is this about, you ask? You see, Chris has a very common both first and last name. There were so many inaccurate items on his credit file, it was just rediculos. So, now that I have typed and submitted the letter of removal to them, quickly It was done! Also, Chris has an interview for a GS position on base this week. He is so excited, he has been referred for three different positions, one of them being an Aircraft Mechanic Supervisor, not a work leader but a Supervisor. He has worked so hard to get to where he is. Now we play the waiting game.....