Apr 25, 2011

Easter Sunday `2011`

  I will start by saying that we had a wonderful Easter Sunday. We enjoyed a nice Easter Lunch prepared by myself with family. My sister was unable to attend this year as she is in her third trimester and nearing the end. I told her not to worry, we will see them soon!

For lunch I Baked a Ham, and for the sides, I made, Corn, Green Beans & Potatoes, Steamed Rice w/ Cream of Mushroom, Whole wheat rolls and Homemade Mac & Cheese. I also baked a cake for dessert!

My husband colored the eggs and hid them for Adicyn. Tyler, Amber and Trey were with their dad and his family at their Lake House. Their Poppa is really big on Easter, not to mention this past weekend was their dad's weekend anyway.

Adicyn's Egg Hunt was as blast! She would start to scream in a very excited tone every time she spotted another egg, it was so cute!

Adicyn -just after completing the Egg Hunt.

On her way.

Look Mom!

Grandma Masako and Adicyn.

There was an egg tucked away in the corner of the fence.

Daddy hid an egg  way up high....

Daddy hid Laffy Taffy too!

Adicy needed a little assistance for this find!

Happy Easter to all!

Apr 23, 2011

Yes, I bought another vehicle.

 I bought another vehicles today. I had no real plans to do this today. It was a great deal and I could not pass it up. It was a cash deal and I hope to make a small profit when I sell it. I only bought the SUV to resell. 

It's a 1998 Ford Explorer XLT, Equipped with the 5.0 Liter V8 Engine!

Wish me luck!

Date night and new furniture!

 I worked until almost 6pm yesterday, but surprisingly, I wasn't tired at all. It's a good thing that I wasn't, my husband had already secured a sitter for the entire night, just so that we could have a Date night and enjoy each others company.

We had a nice dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. I didn't even eat 1/4 of mine, I probably shouldn't have ordered anything but a side salad. Normally when I try to choose where we are going to eat, if I'm not feeling hungry, it's a hard thing to do. We had a great time, my husband was very feisty the whole time as usual. After dinner we came home I enjoyed a nice relaxing Bubble Bath while my husband lit every candle that he could find in our bedroom, lol and so on....

My furniture arrived yesterday while I was at work. My husband took off from work early to make sure that he was home to meet them. We bought a new Sofa and Love seat, a new Chest of drawers for Adicyn's new room and a new Jewelry Ar moire for me! We wanted to wait until we moved into the house to buy new furniture but they were having a 20% off sale and 0% interest until 2012, so we took full advantage.

I purchased the Safford Sofa and Love seat. Mostly because I love Stately looking furniture. I am going to change out the pillows, I don't really care for the ones that came with the sofa and love seat. I chose this set because I wanted to add a little spice to my Living room with a cinnamon color chenille sofa. It is accented with fringed accent pillows with rich autumn colors and plush seat cushions with lots of support and a comfortable style. Handsome wood trim runs along the base and traces the curves of the rolled arms; matching legs extend from the bottom. Very nice!

Once we move, we are going to purchase the matching tables, rug and chair.

This is what our "Complete Set" will look like.

This is what my new sofa and loveseat look like now.

and next on our list is this Beautiful Bedroom Set....(Once we pay off the Living Room)

Apr 20, 2011

Farewell Disaster -CD release party!!

Jeff Sutton- Vocals
Shaun Deal- Bass
Jacob Kay- Guitar
Josh Knight- Drums

This weekend there will be a CD release party at The Power Station in Macon. So if you are out and about, you should check out this party!

One of my close friends' husband -Jeff is the lead vocalist. We are so excited for them. There music is like that of Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle and Evans Blue.

Jeff works at RAFB here locally. He is an Aircraft Mechanic by day and lead vocalist by night. I couldn't be more proud of where he and my friend Cindy are headed in life. They are moving into a larger home this weekend, and Cindy will be opening her own store.

So this weekend, we will be helping them move into there newly built home! I can't wait for our turn to move as well. We are helping them and they will be helping

Apr 19, 2011

Thinking of my Husband...

Chris & Dana 04/17/2011

The view of the Ocean from The Breakers Condo Balcony

I am not off today, but I am home for a bit just before I head into work. I'm browsing the web, looking at booking our Romantic trip to The Breakers on Okaloosa Island. We have many memories there and we are planning on making many more, and a baby if my husband has his way. (not my idea, I have no interest in becoming pregnant any time soon ).

While I am checking out July rates for the Breakers, My phone starts to vibrate, I look over and I see my morning message from my husband has arrived....

 to me from Chris
show details 8:38 AM (10 minutes ago)

" i love you Dana Renee Smith, my most beautiful wife in the world! unconditionally forever! more than anything in the world! you know everyday i am your most protective husband in the world! unconditionally forever! because everyday i know i am the luckiest man in the world because you married me! unconditionally forever! you are my one and only wife, soul mate, and best friend in the world! unconditionally forever! i cant live without you! unconditionally forever! "
  He is so sweet and he thinks of me constantly, still after all of the time that has passed...I love you Baby!

Apr 16, 2011

Home is Listed and I've been busy!


I started out pretty early this morning. I was unsure of how the weather was going to play out, but it fared well. I found some great bargains this morning at some local garage sales. I bought set of "Princess" Lamps for Adicyn's new room, and I also bought a Credenza, an Entertainment Center with a TV and DVD player, A bedding set for our guest room in the new house, I even bought a Towel warmer for the new house! We are so ready to move.

My husband is outside as we speak taking care of a few things that our Realtor mentioned. One is repainting the concrete floor on the back covered patio, the other is just a little touching up the paint around the new counters in the kitchen area.

Click here for our listing.

Homes in our neighborhood are selling very quickly. We wanted to list our home 5k less than the amount that our Realtor wanted to list, she used the recent CMA to generate our listing price. The numbers were better than we expected. Great for us!

However, being a Realtor myself and the wife of a builder for 12 years, I know that a listing price and a sales price don't always meet the owner's expectations. We are just ready to move and not concerned over a few thousand dollars.

This past Thursday after I came home from work, we went and picked out new furniture. A local furniture store was having a great sale. We went in and because of our great credit, the sales agent said to my husband , "You can pick out anything in the store!", My husband has not been this proud of his credit in quite some time. He tells me, "I owe it all to you baby, I would not be who or where I am today without you."

My husband constantly reminds me of this. He is a very proud man these days. He is no longer in debt, we don't even have any Auto loans to speak of. We are financially free other than our mortgage. This is something that we are extremely proud of!


Apr 11, 2011

I have Florida Fever!

  Lately, I have had a terrible case of "Florida Fever". I get my butterflies just thinking about our vacations and my husband TDY trips to Florida. Usually when he has to travel out of state on  a TDY trip, I stay behind during the week and meet up with him on the weekends. It's always very Romantic. Especially after us being apart for several days. My husband is a very romantic man with quite an imagination to boot.

We love spending the hot Summer nights together on the beach. Our "dating anniversary" is coming up in a couple of months and I am going to surprise him with a romantic getaway, and we will be staying in the same condo in which we have spent many romantic nights in each others arms. I can't wait to relive the past, and get back to the basics of our marriage.

We are incredibly deserving a romantic getaway, just the two of us. We always look forward to returning.

Apr 9, 2011

Flower Beds are complete!

Adicyn -Watching Mommy work outside.

Finally, I can say that I am finished with the front yard. My weekend has been so productive.

She is trying to help.

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Spring Cleaning, In & Out!

  I have been extremly busy Spring cleaning thae last two days. Yesterday, I was off from work, and after taking the kids to school, I never left the house. Well until my husband came home from lunch, we went on a lunch date to Dai-ichi.

I started in our bedroom and worked my way through the entire house. Our bedroom had become a small disaster area. Mostly our closet and the top of our dresser. My husband loves to empty his pockets and pile things up on the dresser and the bathroom sink too.

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom, looking into the Bath Room.

My husband can not live without a Tv and DVR Box in our Bedroom.

Sometimes I Rearrange our bed.

Our Beach Theme.

Again, our Beach Theme.

Master Bedroom

Our Dining Room Table

Our Dining Room

Adicyn, trying to see where she can make a mess.

This is a 200 year old German piece of Furniture that I relocated to our Foyer.

More of our Beach Theme.


Kitchen with new Counters.

Only thing left to do is to touch up the pain from the change in size from our old counters.

Some of my Flowers.

One of my Indian Hawthorne's

English Ivy, waiting on it to climb the brick around the Pyladium window.

Loquat Plum Tree


My Spring Time wreath.

The only project that I left off were the Hall closets. I plan to tackle those today, oh yes and "Adicyn's Corner" , this is a little corner located in the dining room completely run over by Adicyn's toys. I plan to go out today to purchase some containers so that I can pack up some of her toys and take them to our storage unit.

This morning I was able to finish the flower beds. After spreading out eight bales of pine straw, they lool so much better. The flower bed to the left of our front door could probably use one more bale.