Mar 31, 2011

Business is picking up!

As most of you know, I have a business on the side. I specialize in Home Staging, Organizing and Remodels. Residential as well as commercial. I was married to a builder -General Contractor for twelve years and I was the business manager. We built and sold many spec homes , mostly in subdivisions in which my ex father-in-law developed.

I have always had a passion for the business. Eventually I took some aspects of building and went out on my own, Starting up "Dream Home Builders" in 2005.

I also completed the Real Estate Licensing course and became a Real Estate Agent. Homes are my passion and now I could have even more access to helping customers grasp The American Dream.

In early 2007, I dissolved the company due to my schedule working as an Emergency Room Nurse. In 2008, I re-opened my business under a new name after partnering with a close friend of mine, "Mark". He owns a local Flooring Showroom and builds some homes as well. Through Mark I met Cleve Hollingsworth, a local Big time builder/developer here in our town. I started to complete many jobs for him as his Interior Decorator. You can see many of the homes in which I chose everything from the Exterior Brick Colors all the way to the cabinetry and colors for the walls. Most of the homes are located in Southfield Plantation in a small city nearby, and some others are located in new and upcoming subdivisions off of Old Perry Road, nearby as well.

Along with having Cleve as one of my largest accounts, I also had the business of two very close friends of mine. They are silent partners in a local Residential Development firm, whom also happen to both be Emergency Room Physicians for a local ER. I have had the pleasure of working with both of these Physicians since early 2001, They have instilled so much in me, from patient care to being a business owner. They both are great people to know and I thank them for all of the outside business they have brought my way. 

After the economy crashed and business slowed down, I focused mainly on small jobs. I did a lot of work for co-workers of my husband's. Mostly Granite Counters, painting and new flooring. Some chose Hardwood, others like the Laminate wood. Some renovated big time and others chose to do several rooms in their home at a time.

Other than Interior Design-Decorating and Organizing, I sub-contract everything else out to construction crews. I in turn, charge a percent to the customer for my services. I charge an average of $75.00 per hour to my builders for my services with the initial consultation being FREE! They know that my prices are the cheapest around. Most charge on average of $150.00 hourly. I have a full-time job so I am not trying to make a killing of of my customers.

Recently I started marketing my business again. I revamped my website, ordered new business cards and other marketing tools. You can view my website by clicking Creative Home Designs. In 2008, I used our local The Real Estate Book as a marketing source as well. Soon, I plan to have an add published once again in this book as well as local newspapers.

My hope is to gain enough business so that I may work completely for myself. Don't get me wrong, I love being a nurse, but I'm ready to work my own schedule. I can't wait to become a very busy entrepreneur once again!

Mar 29, 2011

Next trip...Virginia Beach, Virginia to visit my cousin!

  My cousin Patricia couldn't help but to feel jealous once I uploaded our most recent vacation pictures from Charleston, S.C. to facebook. She immediatley was like "I'm jealous, when are you guys coming to visit me?"  So here I go planning another trip.

I have not seen my cousin Patricia in quite some time. We were very close as children. However, after high school, she joined the Navy and lived all over the world. For the past ten years she has been settled in Virginia Beach , Virginia. She lives on Kepler Bend in Virginia Beach, VA. A very nice area near the beach located too, just minutes away from Virginia Aquarium, and she works at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center. 

She is now a Naval Instructor for New Registered Nurses. She has a son and is married. Her son is the same as age as my son Trey. He is already excited for us to visit as well. So here I go planning another trip to the East Coast, and I have not even recovered from the last trip!

Patricia with her son

Patricia is in the middle, she says this is a great group to work with.

Gavin, taken at Dam Neck Beach on Base, Virginia Beach, VA

Although you have to be military to gain access to Dam Neck Beach, it is located just 3.3 miles south-southeast of the tourist-trap and crowded Virginia Beach boardwalk. The Dam Neck Beach is well-guarded during the summer swimming season. Beach volleyball and shower/bathhouse are also available  Navy Lodge, RV park, and 3-bedroom cottages available on the beach, my cousin can rent one of these for us since Chris and I both are Government employees, and this is not a crowded beach at all. He is Civil Service at a local base and I work prn as a Nurse at a hospital for Veterans. 

I also hope to visit my friend A.J. whom lives in Christiansburg, VA, if we have enough time!

Spring time means yard work!

My load of plants in my SUV.

After dropping Adicyn off at school this morning, I continued on to Lowes. Adicyn's little Daycare is off of the same Road as our local Lowes. At least the Lowes near our home. It's a very chilly and dreary morning here today. I had planned on working in my flower beds today, along with installing a new curtain rod in the Girls' Room and a new toilet seat in our bathroom.

Tomato and Lettuce Plants

Our Loquat Plum Tree, never trimmed right, until I took over the Landscaping...

Indian Hawthorne's in Bloom

Lantana is coming back as well.

New additions that I purchased from our neighborhood Lowes today!

Our poorly neglected flower beds, thanks to the cold winter and now lots of rain!
I was actually looking for "Sweet William" at Lowes. That was my original plan. However, Lowes doesn't sell this plant. I ended up with many different variations of other plants. I also bought my own Lettuce and a Tomato Plant. My dad always had a huge garden in the Summer, I can't wait to start mine this year as well.

Our flower beds have been neglected. I love working outside as well as inside, but in the colder weather..not so much.

Last week when the weather was a little nicer, I sprayed our lawn (front and back) It's an All-in-1 weed killer for lawns. a  selective herbicide - it selectively kills weeds in the lawn but won't harm the lawn itself. It is a blend of proven weed killers designed to get broadfleaf weeds such as dandelion, clover, chickweed, and grassy weeds such as crabgrass and nutgrass/nutsedge. Kills 200+ weeds to the root. . I do this every year. Bayer works the best, within a few weeks our lawn looks so healthy and weed free.

So off I go to work in our home then out to the yard.

Mar 28, 2011

Cahrleston Trip. 2011

   We are officially home from Charleston, South Carolina. We had an amazing trip. It was great to see family. It had been a while since I was able to see my brother and his family. His kids are not babies any longer. The first night we took my brother and his family out to Dinner to a great Japanese Hibachi Restaurant. The food and atmosphere were fabulous. The meal was almost $200.00 for everyone, but we didn't mind. That's not something that we do too often.

On the second day we went shopping in Downtown Charleston. They have a Pottery Barn in downtown. We also drove out to the Marina. The Beach was not so appealing this trip. It was very rainy and dreary, but we were able to make the best of our trip. We were sure to reserve a Hotel with a heated pool. We always have to do this, because Adicyn loves to swim.

We not only went for pleasure but for business as well. I will update everyone on the future very soon.

My Brother and Becky

Myself and my Brother

A quaint little Ice Cream Shoppe near Charleston Marina

On our way to Isle of Palms. Cooper Bridge

My Brother and Adicyn

Mar 24, 2011

Hotel Booked!

  As of 0500 tomorrow morning we are Charleston, S.C. Bound! We are so excited, this trip is for many reasons. Business, pleasure and to visit my brother and his family. Right now, I am taking a break from packing and cleaning the house before we leave. I will be leaving my little Bimmer girl, as my husband calls her. She stays in the garage when I am not driving her anyway, along with our other Mustang.I need to clean the garage again so it won't be such tight quarters for the cars.

Well, anyway Hotel to Charleston has been booked!

Mar 23, 2011

Baby Shower for Aiden Petett (Our new Nephew)

  A great time was had by all at my sister's baby shower. Lisa  (Ted's cousin) was a great hostess. The shower was in a town located a little over an hour from our home. My sister received many useful gifts. Enough to fill her trunk space, and she has a large trunk. Surprisingly large for a Acura TL.

Now that the shower is over, I will be hosting her housewarming party. She is closing on her new home in Atlanta April 15th and the baby is due in May . Lots to plan for!

Mar 21, 2011

Thanks Lisa, for our cute little (non-formal) family picture! j/k, this was a quick not planned at all shot!

Mar 17, 2011

Baby Showers and Blankets...

Adicyn 6 months old...

 First of all, CONGRATULATION'S to my close friend Eliane on the Birth of little miss Lydia Jane O'Leary today! Lydia is their 5th baby, included in the family a set of twins as well. We are all so happy for you Eliane!!
Lydia Jane

Eliane 22 weeks
Moving along...
  I have been invited to and have attended more Baby Shower's within the last 30 days than all of last year combined! My friend Candice' shower to welcome her new baby boy was last week at Texas Cattle Company, My sister's shower is this weekend in Atlanta and My friend Heather's shower is next week. My sister is registered at Babies R' Us, My friend Heather is also registered at Babies R' Us and Burlington's Baby Depot. I love to shop for baby items. My sister has the infant co-sleeper bassinet on her list, this will be our gift to her, I am also making an adorable fleece blanket for little Ayden.

My friend Heather is expecting a girl, not too sure about her gift just yet. I can't wait for my sister's shower this weekend. I will of course be posting picture's for all of our family whom lives in California, New York, S.C. and Virginia, wish you all could attend, but we completely understand!

Speaking of pregnancy and babies on the way, my husband is driving me crazy about wanting another baby. As I told him, first we need to see about our move and our new house first, I want to be completely settled before becoming pregnant again.

Mar 16, 2011

My Wonderful Wednesday!!

  Today I Awoke nice and early, Started with getting the kids ready for school, then driving them to school. After completing that task , I stopped in at Lowes, I needed some more Wood Flooring Cleaner, and also I needed to pick up some flowers. Not only did I get all of that, I found two beautiful hand woven rugs.

My shopping Buddy!

If your going to shop big, leave the BMW at Home!

After Lowes, I stopped by a local Pine Straw Dealer's place, it's very close to my house. I always order my Pine Straw from him because he delivers it to my house.
 I can't wait to make the flower beds look new again!

So onto to do some real shopping for me. I was on my way to Bed Bath & Beyond, when I thought to myself "Hmmm, I haven't shopped at Ross in a long time, I'll drive there instead"  and that I did. I had forgotten what a fun place that was to shop. I bought some imported Hair & Body care items (imported from Italy and Switzerland) I love exotic products. Bought a new straightener.

I found a very "Springy" Bedding set for our bed. Bedding is exactly what I was going to Bed Bath & Beyond to purchase. I also purchased some new Tommy Hilfiger Pillows for the new Bedding, and a few kitchen items.

My new 7-piece Bedding Ensemble

The cutest items by far were...oh my..this cute little Hot Pink French Parlor Chair for Adicyn and the most adorable little white table too. I had a lot of fun, now I'm back home awaiting the Fed Ex truck for my Pottery Barn Shipment. I really should not have week days off and all to myself, it's to dangerous for my debit card!!

Adicyn's new Parlor Chair and Table.

Mar 14, 2011

Monday already?

  I was like totally not ready for Monday to be here again so soon. We had a great weekend that flew by too quickly. We had "Date Night" this past Friday. Thanks to my best friend babysitting our youngest daughter. My older children spent the weekend with their dad and one night with grandparents. Their Aunt Michelle was visiting from Orlando, Florida. I hope to see her before she drives back. If not, I will see her in June, whenever we take our annual trip to Disney World.

For " Date Night" I chose Daichi. This establishment is one of my total fav's, we are "regulars" here, Zen, Longhorn, Logan's, Cracker Barrel,  O'charley's and Cheddars. However; lately I have been wanting to mostly cook. I get really fed up with eating out. First of all, it's not healthy and second of all, it's so much more laid back at home.

So after date night we went back home to an empty house. It was so quiet inside. This was a great opportunity for us to spend some romantic time alone, we could enjoy each other in any area of the house that we wanted, and that we did!  We stayed up until around two o'clock in the am. It's been a while since I have stayed up past 10:00, so this was really late for me. Leave it to him to keep me awake. My husband is a very romantic man. He is far more romantic than myself. I have my moments, but his moments happen every day.

Saturday morning I went to a few garage sales. I bought some really nice stuff. Some of it being a few items for the kitchen. Originally ordered from "Southern Living". I also bought a few outfits for Adicyn. One being her  Easter Dress. Every year I buy her a "Strasburg" dress for Easter, this year, I found the perfect dress for 10 bucks at a Garage Sale, still Strasburg of course.

After Garage Sales, we went to pick up our new furniture, I love the Foyer piece, I will take some pictures and post them when I have the time.

Sunday, was the perfect day to have a cook out, and that we did. We had company over, and spent lots of quality time with friend's.

Mar 10, 2011

Hoping for a weekend of not leaving the house.

  I am looking forward to a weekend of being at home. Not being lazy, but just being at home. I don't want to go anywhere. We upgraded a few more things in the house yesterday, that was fun. $532.00 later, we have a beautiful kitchen and some other areas are refreshed! My husband is extremely handy when it comes to cars and lately home projects.

I am hoping to have everything completed by Sunday. Granted my in-laws want to come for lunch, will I cook? Bahahaha , Hell no, not this weekend. Maybe I will take them out for a quick lunch, I just don't want it to consume too much of my time. Tuesday I picked them up early and drove them to a furniture store that I wanted to share with them. It's in a town about an hour from where I live. They loved it. It's located in an old warehouse in a town called Forsyth. They buy in bulk from Major and Luxury Hotels, Resorts and Condos. Whenever the Establishment is ready to renovate, this company purchases all of the old items. Armoires, Window Treatments, Dressers, Beds, Coffee table, end name it, and they have it, all the way to the artwork off of the walls! All of there items are High Quality. Armoires are usually no more than $99.00, framed artwork ranges from $2.50 -$99.00. It's so much fun just to browse through the store. If you go, take a big truck , because you won't leave without purchasing something!

So Friday I get off at 5:00 pm, My Husband is going with fishing a friend/co-worker on Saturday, Tyler, Amber and Trey will be with their dad. He will probably taking them to the Lake House since the weather is expected to be nice. They always have a blast there. I need to stay home and get as much completed as possible.

The next week is going to be a very busy time for us. In two weeks we will be going to Charleston, S.C. for two reasons, Chris' interview and to visit my family. I have two baby shower's to attend. One on March 23rd and the other on March 20th. My friend Mary is having a House Warming Party just thereafter. So much to do!

Somewhere in the midst of all of this, I need to get my workout routine back on track. I have been using the Wii fit  alot, but it's not anywhere near a good workout  for me and I even have the Wii Fit Plus and some others. I need for this weather to straighten up so that I can get back into track and softball!
 Oh yes, how could I forget, my husband sent me flowers to work today!

Flowers Delivered today  from my wonderful Husband!

Mar 9, 2011

Pottery Barn Order Complete!

  I just completed my Pottery Barn Teen order for Amber's Bedroom Makeover. She decided on The PB Patchwork Bedding and for her sheet set she chose The Mint Dottie Sheet set. This is going to look so great in her bedroom. She is tired of the Zebra look. It's really played out.

Amber's Current Room

Amber's New PB Teen Set

Using the Mint Dottie sheet set.

 I can't wait for it to arrive, since our house is selling, I can't change the walls from the neutral color, but new bedding we can do!

Next will be The boys room. And of course, Adicyn's just needs her own room. We already have her white Pineapple Finial Four Poster bed, and all of her Pottery Barn decor and bedding. I can't wait to move!

Mar 5, 2011

North Georgia Premium Outlets

  It's raining here and Savannah, also the Mardi Gras are going on in Savannah. We have decided to travel North instead. We are going to have a big shopping day at North Georgia Premium Outlets in Dawsonville, Georgia. I will spend most of my time at Pottery Barn! My husband is taking me shopping, I can't wait. He is int he shower so that we can hurry and leave.

I just printed my coupons for Banana Republic, Yankee Candle, Aero, Polo Ralph Lauren and Stride Rite. We are driving the SUV, just in case I buy something large like a piece of furniture or something from Pottery Barn. The BMW and the Mustangs are much too small for my kind of shopping.

Me ready for our trip!

Mar 4, 2011

Happy Friday!

I am so happy that today is my Friday off, actually this is my four-day weekend off. After taking the kids to school this morning, I stopped by a Garage Sale then on to Lowes. I finished a little shopping there, only spent $187.92 to finish up a few projects and updating the house. Now that my friend Mary's home has sold, and my friend Elizabeth's home on Holbeck has sold as well, we are listing our home. Finally!

 We didn't want to interfere with the sale of Mary and Bill and Elizabeth's and Sean's home, so we decided to wait a bit. Now Spring is here and it's time to Sell!We can't wait, as far as what to do after, well, that's still up in the air, lol.

After Lowe's I came home to work on a few projects , then off to meet my hair stylist for my appointment, a friend of mine, Jessica from Junior High is now doing hair at a place called Image Works, near my house. She did an awesome job, I love my new hairstyle!

Mar 1, 2011

Surprise trip to the coast...

 My husband just sent me a text letting me know that he is taking me on a surprise trip to the coast this weekend....I am so excited! We are just going for the day, simply because we have so much to do here at our home to get ready for everything that is in the works for us. Today, I am working on our updates!

Adicyn, so close to turning three years old!

My BMW, our newest addition!

Myself, all of the exercise is paying off!
 These are just a few of our family updates. Once we get back from Charleston at the end of the month, we may have even more updates. We have been on the down low on our house and other decisions until we know what's going to happen there.

Great things are on the horizon for us. We are so if we are not going through enough transition's.....My husband wants us to get pregnant again! I'm like whoa Boy slow down..First things First!!